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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

PS3 Vs Xbox 360

  Havent we heard this topic before, the hit sony PS3 gaming system vs the Microsoft Xbox 360. These two systems have been very well marketed and have come on top of the entertainment industries. I am here to get to the bottom of this well fought war.

                                                                  ROUND 1

1. GPU and CPU Comparison the xbox 360's xenos GPU is a little better than the PS3's RSX GPU but the microproccesor chip in the PS3 which is more powerful than the triple-core Xenon CPU in Xbox 360 therefore making the PS3 able to handle the workload at anytime.

                                                                    1-0 PS3

                                                                 ROUND 2

2. Storage Comparison  PS3 uses a Blu-ray Disk as the main  storage place , while Xbox 360 uses double layer DVDs as the main storage place. With the PS3's Blue ray being able to uphold a whopping 54 gigs while the double layer DVDs only hld 9 gigs.

                                                                  2-0 PS3

                                                                 ROUND 3

3. Price comparision is indeed nail biter on deciding which system. The Xbox 360s Arcade version is priced at USD199.00. Now the PS3s 120gb ps3 slim is based at $300.00 also another version for Xbox 360 is the Elite version going for $300.00.

                                                                2-1 PS3 Winning

                                                                FINAL ROUND

4. Online play for the Xbox 360 you have to pay a monthly fee for online gaming while PS3 is free.

                                                                 3-1 PS3 WINS

     At the end of the day it doesnt really matter its all about your personal preference.       

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